vendredi 16 mai 2008

Just for the fun of it...

So, I've decided that there was no reason why I shouldn't write in English as well as in French. After all, English is my everyday language, even though it is not my mother tongue.
Therefore, if any of you Ricans (or English speaking scrapbookers) come by to pay me a visit, you can also read something about me that you'll understand ;)

I recently received a bunch of Hambly transparencies (finally treated myself to some yummy stuff!) and had to - I mean HAD TO - do something with these chandeliers. Since these days I'm not making that many 12x12 pages, I decided to put to some good use one of those shadow boxes... this was so much fun! I'm actually thinking about making a whole series of these, each with one "motivational" word/verb....

In case you can't see it on the pic, the chandeliers are really dangling from their chain. Took a while for the static to stop working its "magic" so they wouldn't stick to the back or the front of the shadow box (the glass is really plastic). I don't think I need to write down what I used to make this... pretty self-explanatory.

Would love to see your comments! TFL

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Bon alors c'est vrai que y a pas de raison que tu écrive qu'en anglais mais bon je préfère quand même le français je comprend plsu vite et mieux mais bon tu peux de temps en temps!! lol !!! enfin bref ta petite réa est bien jolie et bien sympathique comme toutes tes très belles précédentes pages !! gros bisous

Anonyme a dit…

Commedit Elo, hors de question qu'on te laisse faire ça à chaque fois, faut encore bosser quand on rentre à la maison, mais je rêve !!
La boîte à l'air superbe, ça bouge ?
Je voudrais bien toucher moi !!