dimanche 18 novembre 2012

Brunch at the old place - sketch challenge for Freckled Fawn

So here is the story behind this page: it's Sunday morning and the boys have gone hunting for food (at the Asian market!) and have taken the family vehicle - there's nowhere I can go (yes, this is relevant information - bear with me...). Having lost my scrap mojo for about a week, a stumble upon a sketch challenge by Freckled Fawn: PERFECT!
The page I'm planning to make involves using my Cameo - not a problem! I fire it up, get my file ready, start cutting and... total disaster! The file won't cut, my mat is full of fragments of paper, I am so frustrated!
So I think it's my mat: I wash it up, crack open my new one and do another try: same problem!
Argh..... it's definitely the blade.
Now, if you remember the beginning of my story: there's nowhere I can go to buy a replacement blade right now - and I have to make this page right now. It's just nagging me at this point.
I step away from my machine before I do harm to it - I do love my machine (on most days); I was just not ready to part with my blade this soon.
After a cup of tea, I'm back - with a vengence! Back to the drawing board: let's do this the good old fashion way and give my Sizzix some loving - this machine NEVER disappoints! I have a star die with multiple sizes on one die. Perfect, this is what I'll use on 3 separate pieces of paper.
Et voila:
If you've seen the original, you'll notice I stuck to the layout pretty closely (remember? lost mojo?) - but this was fun, so much fun! I love the washi all around the layout and I was good: I stuck to the color scheme I had in mind.
Thank you, Doe :)